Fish Fanatic
Hi, I'm wondering about the tank set up for the toads and newts. I know they both require about 1/3 land and 2/3 water. However, how do you go about cycling a tank like this if you have only a small amount of water. I have heard that you have to do 25% water changes at least once a week if you have a filter, and you should do 100% changes quite often as well, which includes having to strip down the entire tank and clean the gravel, decor, and the tank. By doing this 100% clean out of the tank aren't we then cleaning away much of the good bacteria?
Is it really necessary to completely clean the tank as many of the care sheets mention? If so, then does the tank never really cycle?
Also, as for the newts, can you list the different types of food they will eat. I am kinda leaning toward the newts rather than the toads because I have heard that you can feed them frozen bloodworms as well as tubifex worms rather than the crickets. Is that correct? Can I have 3 Firebelly newts in a 10 gallon tank? Do the males fight?
Is it really necessary to completely clean the tank as many of the care sheets mention? If so, then does the tank never really cycle?
Also, as for the newts, can you list the different types of food they will eat. I am kinda leaning toward the newts rather than the toads because I have heard that you can feed them frozen bloodworms as well as tubifex worms rather than the crickets. Is that correct? Can I have 3 Firebelly newts in a 10 gallon tank? Do the males fight?