Tank Project


New Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Got myself a little project in a free fish tank from a friend. I didn't know just what that'd entail when I agreed to take it! Heres some picces


I think it was used for salt water, and is VERY dirty, it's going to take a long time to get it clean, i'm hoping it won't leak when i'm finished


this tank was obviously home made


I just hope the glass is put together better than this lid! It's held up on the glass by flimsy plastic strips, the veneer is bubbling, the hinges are wobbly and this little flap has obviously been sawn off in a hurry, so i'm definately building a new lid (when I get time!) and this thing needs a base which is gonna be fun coz i've never attempted cabinet making before! I hope to keep up a video diary of my progress and i'll probably be asking tons of questions.

I'm going to get started tomorrom, first question hows the best way to clean the thing and what with?
Well after a hard days work it's clean!!!



I'm soaking it's glass lid things in vinegar overnight to get rid of this:- I was really surprized that I didn't have more of this kind of thing in the rest of the tank but very happy there isn't more.


I also broke the flimsy lid and it fell apart :rolleyes: not really surprized but it did stop the cat from sitting on the centre crossmember which is not ideal. I'm going to start planning my lid design next.
Wicked, im jealous, big projects like that are always more rewarding :)
Christ-on-a-bike you cleaned that up well! Hats off to you! :good:

Just don't make the lid out of chip board like the original chap did! It will act like a sponge (as you've seen) and will swell & distort...
37.5 UK gallons (45 US gallons) /170 litres. What's the best wood to use for the lid?

going to check the tank for leaks next (fingers crossed), will have to wait till after the weekend though.
Marine Ply. Varnish it up properly, should look OK.

...I think...


well after soaking the glass lid sections in vinegar for 2 days, then scrubbing hard I achieved absolutely nothing! I have decided i'm not going to use them anyway due to their bulk and mass and the fact that sliding them past each other along the top of the crossmembers where they sit sets my teeth on edge.

Yesterday was the day I filled the tank to check for leaks

so far so good..... no leaks or cracks have appeared yet. Will leave the tank set up for a while just in case.

I also worked out that the lighting that came with it (One 40W tube with the power unit) is totally inadequate for a planted tank- works out about 8/9 WPG, and i'd like about 2 WPG so the unit is useless. So before I build my lid I will have to decide what lighting I want, and decide about the filter and heater as I don't think a single fluvial 2, a second incomplete filter and a heater that is held together at the top by a cable tie and looks ancient, with burnt looking sections in it will cut it somehow.
Actually 8/9ths of a watt per US gal (40W with a reflector) would be OK lighting for a low tech set up.... IF this is what you want.

If you were going the mega lighting EI route then granted, 3 bulbs min @40W a piece with reflectors then.

Ok time for an update, tank project has been stalled till at least after christmas, car needs a full respray which is gonna cost me lots of money. Also been discussing with my dad about the stand and he seems to think that the tank will crack after a couple of years if I use 2x2 timber as the frame, as his did so i'm going to look further into how to brace the stand so this doesn't happen. I have however started to plan my hood:- here's some diagrams.


This isn't complete as I am still deciding what lights i'm going to use and also what wood I will be using

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