tank problems,

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Fish Crazy
Mar 31, 2005
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Hi, i've currently got: 4 angelfish, 1 parrot fish, 4 congo tetra, 4 corys, featherfin synodontis and a clown plec in my 180 litre tank (45 imperial gallon)

Now the thing is 3 of my angels have had their tails bitten at and i don't know who's doing it. I already lost one small angel to this last week too. I'm thinking its the parrot fish but i don't wanna get rid of her if its something else.
Can congo's be nasty like this??? :huh:
I would bet on the Parrot - different cichlid species are natural enemies. Congo's in my experience to not bother other fish.
If you don't want to be too quick about it, perhaps you can set up a temperary home for the Parrot for a trial seperation period.
i think the fish u have dont all live together
Maby take some out

To make fish less nippy u need to get some more of the same breed to stop the nipping
I would just watch the tank from a distance so the fish don't notice you and they will act like they do when you are not around. keep an eye on all the angels. i have found out in my tank that it was the angels attacking each other but in your tank i would bet it is the parrot. just watch over it.
Yeah it's probably the parrot, if you could separate the parrot from the angels and watch I bet you'll find that the nipping stops.
id say the parrot too.I had 3 and they were really bad nippers and did chace things around

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