Tank Pictures And Journals


Retired Mod
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 9, 2007
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Ok, so I know the mods are trying to devise a better way to pin topics, and i've had another thought to tidy up the board a bit.

At the moment, there is several places to post your tank journal / pics.

1) Members Aquarium and Fish Pictures section
2) Planted Aquarium Journals section
3) Marine Aquarium Journals section
etc etc.

My idea is to move all pics, videos and journals into 1 forum called 'Members Pics, Videos and Tank Journals'.

Have the forum divided into 3 sub forums, 1. pics, 2. Vids, and 3. Journals

and then each subforum divided into different types of fish / tanks, eg, planted, marine, freshwater tropical etc

It would make the board much tidier having all these in one place and in an organised fashion.

Any thoughts?

Cheers :good:

This is pretty much what i did in the African forum so gets a thumbs up from me. :good:

I used a sub-forum to un-clutter the pinned section.


I actually prefer the idea of keeping it as a sub-forum within the appropriate section though rather than a central area. In other words, African Journals, Photos etc stay in a sub-forum of the African section.
I rarely visit the pics or vids sections but it does make sense for them to be together. Im not so sure about further orting them into species as that may be too many subforums, some with only a couple treads, if any (not to mention a lot of sorting to get them where they need to be).

This doesn't have to do with pics and vids but more along the line of pinned topics in general. I have been talking to BTT about a thread he wrote that we are considering pinning. Since very few people read pinned topics and some forums seem to have a lot of them, he had mentioned something like a Beginners Resourcce Center (which we actually already have in the New to the Hobby section) which would have links to all pinned topics that are mainly for beginners. If we did that, we could get that particular section (and maybe Tropical Discussion too) down to probably 2 pinned topics, the BRC and the Signature Rules (which no one reads either). That would unclutter the top of the section. Any thoughts on that and how if it would make any difference, good or bad, in how many people actually read them. Even if the number of people reading them doesn't change (and I would love to find a way to push more people to read them), it would at the least be less up there.
I like the idea of journals being seperated into three subforums Freshwater, Brackish and Marine. I feel not many people know they are.
Am I right in understanding that you are suggesting moving the marine tank journals away from the marine area to another area so that people who don't visit the marine area can see them and those that are interested in them have to go to a completely different area of the board to find them?

Also, I often post pics and vids in the same thread, where should that then go?
Am I right in understanding that you are suggesting moving the marine tank journals away from the marine area to another area so that people who don't visit the marine area can see them and those that are interested in them have to go to a completely different area of the board to find them?

I personally wouldn't like to be doing that. I much prefer to keep things localised to their relevant topics.
I don't see why you couldn't have a link or pinned topic for the vid & pic thread in all applicable forums. That way, if you're in the salty forums, you can see all vids. Same goes for Tropical Discussion. It wouldn't really be much of a problem to put it in all locations.

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