Tank pics


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
Here are some pics of my 172 litre/42 gal tank - thought I would take some quick pics as I am clearing out the angels which are too tall for the tank now, and also selling off the kribs which I have bred so far. I have also have a good prune of the plants since taking these pics.

Sorry they are a bit blurry, they are just quick snaps.


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You can see some of the kribs in this pic - the LFS gave me £4 each for them even though they had some (smaller) ones for £2.95. Given that most LFS will only give 1/3 to 1/2 of what they will sell them for these are going to be pricey kribs!! I suppose it says something for the quality.

The same LFS gave me £7.50 each for the angels....

Now that I have cut back some of the plants (and got rid of the tunnel which I decided I didn't like) I can now see the the nice rock formation which is at the back of the middle of this shot.

I have still got to get some yo-yo loaches out of the tank as they are now about 4" long and a bit too big for the tank, but I haven't been able to net them yet. I have set up my trap-eeze in there so they will get used to it for a week and take them off to the LFS next weekend.

The tank is then going to be stocked up again with different fish. I will post new pics when it is done....

Cheers, Eddie


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So Eddie, are you keeping noone that lived there? What do you plan to stock it with for the second go around. I'm looking forward to seeing the canges you make to this tank :D


Keeping the threadfin rainbows, one of the kribs (who is guarding fry at the moment), a few bristlenoses and a couple of botia striata.

I will be consolidating two smaller tanks of shoaling fish into this to create a lot of movement which will leave me two empty tanks to play with. Not 100% sure what is going to go in them but I am thinking possibly shellies for one (or both).

Buggy - thanks!

Cheers, Eddie
I got the angels about a year ago - they were just a little larger than a 50p coin. Just under 4" across the body when I sold them, still potential for two more inches....

I fed them on Tri-Mar's own brand granules - all of the fish love them. I was amazed how quickly they grew.

Cheers, Eddie
I would like to nominate that for TOTM BUT i shall see what you change it into first, as it might be even more worthy of it then :D... a very nice tank indeed.


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