Tank peferance

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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How do u like your tank to look

  • natural

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • rocks only - sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • rocks only - gravel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • plants only - sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • plants only - gravel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a bit of both - sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a bit of both - gravel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • lots of wood and plants wiv sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • don't care as long as the fish are happy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • like it to look good but dosn't realy matter as long as the fish are happy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I like it to look natural. It is so much more pleasing to look at a grouping of plants instead of something like a mini treasure chest or stuff like that.
I think decorations make a huge difference. Although tropical fish are colorful, they aren't NEARLY as colorful as marine fish, so I try and substitute the interesting colors with plants, rocks, gravel and decorations.

Funny story - when we set up our tank, we decorated it and added water and sat on the floor and stared at it for about 2 hours - sounds normal, but there weren't any fish in it yet!

Decorating your tank is like decorating your house - not a single inch of my house is untouched and I want the same for my fish.

Plus, you need plants and hiding spaces for the little guys.
I definitely try to go for the natural look. I had hot pink gravel in one of my aquariums (which I thought was cool when I bought it), but I heard that unnaturally coloured substrate can stress some fish out -_-
Cant stand Tack in a tank. Anyone who has multicoloured gravel, dodgy shiny ornaments all come under the BAD TASTE category.

My opinion ofcourse.
I like my tank to look natural - at the moment there's a big lump of driftwood (brilliant stuff, driftwood is), lots of rocks and stones and loads of real plants.

I think plastic plants are ok; mixed in with real plants they look more realistic too. But not stupidly coloured plastic plants :crazy:

My gravel is like a mix of all different natural gravel. It looks really good (IMO :rolleyes: )!!

I hate all the little skeletons and treasure chests and stuff but what I hate most is... no fishing signs!!! Stoopid things :grr:
I like a natural look. :)

My tanks have natural gravel in shades of tan and a few plants. The caves I use for my corys are made of real rock and slate. They are not fancy, but I'm pretty sure the fish think they look comfortable.
I went for lots of wood and plants with sand as that's how my biggest tank is set-up and I love how it looks and I think my fish like it too.

I also like rocks but I never know what to do with them.
i like sand with lots of plants and wood because the sand just has a cleaner feeling and the plants help my fish with hideing spots along with the wood :D i also like to put in some rock caves just for a bit more realisticness lol.
You missed rock only no substrate... Can be good for cichlid and reef tanks.

Not sure what the difference is between natural and rock and sand only...

anyhow... Though I do rocks and plants (would do wood and plants... but I love my Africans :)), I have always wanted to try some other freaky cool fancy stuff. I saw one book at the library and they had some very bizzar designs...
Stanless steel spoons of different sizes comming out of the ground.

I have always wanted to do an All PVC maze.

At the Mall of America they have a CW tank with a boat floating on top... and a big mean old muskie hanging out under it!!! I think if a tank was large enough a dock post would look cool!!!

How about one with black substrate and one of those black maniquin (sp) heads... you could drill out holes under the eyes :)

Oh my grow out tanks and preg cichlid tanks always have little houses... no not what I would do in my main display tank.. well some times :) Its so fun to watch them take over diffent flats.

Oh once I had a... hmm 200gal tank... well big enough I could easly get into it.. no Idea on the size (got it for less than 40 usd :) ) and inside I proped up different smaller tanks I wasnt using... then on those ledges I put potted plants in black ceramic rice bowls. I really liked it :)

So many dreams so few tanks :(

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