Tank over stocked???


Fish Fanatic
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
USA, Montana

I have a 10 gallon tank with 3 glo-lite tetra, and 4 mollies which are two silver mollies, 1 gold molly, and 1 dalmatian molly. Is my tank overstocked? I have a seperate 1 gallon tank to put molly fry in...
i think mollies have an adult size of 3-4 inches, so a 10 gallon would be overstocked with 4 (12-16 inches of fish) if you go by the inch per gallon rule.
I aggree.
also the tetras need to be in groups of 6 or more.
Yes, you need about 3 more tetras, and you could keep one or two of the mollies, depending IMO on the filter.
I'd get rid of the mollies and just add 3 more tetras. Otherwise, get rid of the tetras and keep only 3 mollies (prefferably a male and 2 females). You need to keep up with fry as well or you'll be over-stocked again..
Well is my tank that much over stocked that i need to get rid of fish because my nearest LFS is a two hour drive away and my fish seem happy even the tetras... Do i really have to take some fish back because my tank is in great harm with all the fish?
You don't HAVE to take them back but your fish would be better off for it. The mollies are probably not full grown yet but when they are, the fish you have right now should be in a 20 gallon or at least a 15.
I am currently saving up for a 20 gallon which i will be able to get in three weeks, will that be enough time to leave the mollies in the 10 gallon right now? I wanted to get a bigger tank to have more tetra but keep the mollies i have now...
You should be fine in 3 weeks, just keep up with water changes and everything should be a ok.
Why would you need 6 tetras for a school ????....Its only a 10 gallon tank 3 would be fine, just keep up with your water changes and add some live plants to soak up a little of the nitrate.
Tetras need to be in schools of 6 because they are schooling fish. If you want a schooling fish to be happy it needs to be in schools.

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