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Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hants, UK
Hi guys/gals

I currently have a 260l community tank which i have several types of cory (bronze, albino, peppered and cory juli). I am really interested in breeding them and have read loads of posts as research but my main question is...

How many tanks do i need?

Am I right to think it is safer too breed them in another small tank and then remove the parents back to the community, but then do i need another tank for the fry to grow out in? I would guess so because hopefully the parents will spawn again in the community tank and the fry might eat the eggs or more likely the grow out tank should have subtrate and hiding places whereas the hatching tank a clear bottom... Am i right then with a total of 3 tanks?

I hope this all makes sense...!

To start with its down to your choice on whether or not you use a seperate tank to breed the fish in.

I've read Julii (if they are TRUE julii's) are very hard to breed, where as your bronze, peppered and albinos should be much easier.

I currently have my cories in a community tank, and I did when I bred bronze cories. I then remove the eggs to a 3gallon tank to hatch.

<i>what I will be doing</i>
Once they have grown I will then be moving them to a bigger tank, 5gallon and then onto a 15gallon.

Using a smaller tank when the fry are small is better as there is less room for them to hunt around before they find food.

and if you are continually breeding them a lot of tanks owuld be better, or a tank with divides so you can keep the different broods apart. this will help when you come to sell them as you will know which fish is what age. :)

Good luck with the breeding I hope you do well :D

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