Tank On Skip-Worth Salvaging?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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So I found a tank on the skip at work. 36"x15"x12". One bottom corner has been damaged, I think when it was put on the skip as the broken glass was still there. It's crushed and through to the silicon. It had a few inches of water in and held that OK, but not sure if it would hold a full tank. Couple of pics below-what do you think?


i would try to patch it up with some silicon and fill with water to check for any leaks. if it passes leak checks, clean it up a bit :good:
Cool, so I just need to get as much silicon on there as I can? :lol:
I'll give that a go next week. I don't want the tank for myself-I already have one almost as big that's waiting to be set up next year if I haven't gone off fishkeeping by then! (I am little miss fickle :blush:)
I'll clean it up and try and sell it :good:

There's a big bag of that lovely fluorescent pink and dark green gravel mix too, if anyone wants it? ;)
Even if it won't hold a full tank of water, you could always turn it into a paludarium and have half water half terrestrial. The lower half of the tank looks ok so a Paludarium would almost certainly work I think ( if the full tank doesn't)

You could get a really nice amazon river feel to it with roots going into the water from the terrestrial side ect.
I was going to use my 3 gallon for a normal shrimp tank but I'm tempted to make it into a small shrimp paludarium!!!! I have lots of moss and other bog/damp loving plants like Liverworts in a terrestrial mini glass greenhouse on the windowsill..... :hey:

Oh no my brain has gone mad now.....I could just have one corner for "land" though it would need to be quite high up ...I have a HOB filter I could maybe modify.... :hyper:

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