Tank Of The Year?


Apr 6, 2009
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there should be a tank of the year poll after 12 months...

just puttin it out there.
That would be neat!

Have all the TOTM tanks put up for nominations?

sounds like a great idea!
I don't agree, don't you think It would take too long? a year of entries and then a month or so of voting, seems a bit of a long shot IMO.
I got a idea, the winners of Tank of The Month would get entered to Tank of the year and only the 12 winners of each Tank of The month comp will get entered and the voting begins.
I got a idea, the winners of Tank of The Month would get entered to Tank of the year and only the 12 winners of each Tank of The month comp will get entered and the voting begins.

That's a better idea IMO.
This is what I said on the first post. That only the TOTM tanks would be nominated.

FHM i knew what you meant some people just dont read first ey
good idea though
scot :)
I like this.......I'm going to mention it upstairs. Watch here for updates.
yeah this works well it is done on another forum to do with larger fish

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