tank not level


New Member
Apr 25, 2005
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I have recently set up a new tank in my new home. I made the mistake of assuming that the floor was level and having now filled the tank it is clearly not.

What is the best way to level the tank, I am assuming that i am going to have to almost empy it agin-all 100 gallons, but what sort of things are best to use in order to level the stand so that I don;t have this problem again
try squares of cardboard under the legs of the table. And do you have any foam under your tank. between the table and the glass. I believe this will help level it. Wait for advice from others before you do anything though.

also there are these disks with foam on them that are used for moving furniture putting these under the legs might help level the tank.
I had the same problem when I put my tank against a wall in our lounge and it was leaning forwards.

I simply moved the tank out of the way (i checked mine with a spirit-level before I filled it :p !!), lifted the carpet and removed part of the carpet grip-rod around the edge.

Tank went back in perfectly level.

(After all this you are probably gonna tell me it is leaning sideways on a concrete floor so none of the above was any help at all!!)

shims work great for this...i wouldnt recommend squares of cardboard as, over time, the will compress and be next to useless....if you dont know what a shim is, it is a wood (or composite) wedge often used in window/door installation o make them plum/square/level...you should go with composite shims (which are made of a hard rubber type material) because getting water on regular wood shims makes them also next to useless
I had the same problem in my room with my 55 gallon as it's pretty big for my room. My tank is still a little off but I haven't had any problems. As long as it's not off by like a foot you should be alright.. A piece of wood would be my suggestion.
actually, although you may have not had problems yet, you could still have serious issues...by being unlevel you are creating an unordinary amount of stress on a particular side of the tank which COULD lead to cracking and/or complete destruction of the tank itself in due time....it is best to have tanks as level as possible - the larger the tank, the more it needs to be level!
Just hang a picture crooked over it and no one will ever know. :rofl:

Seriously, there probably isn't much you will be able to do with a 100 gallon tank (since the stand, tank, water, etc. will probably weight over 1000 lb.) except drain it and then use shims or something like that to level it up. I would also say no to the cardboard as it will compress or possibly get wet. If it is leaning forward, you may try what thebaldranger said he did. You definitely dont' want it leaning forward too much.
If all else fails, and it is really risky, drain it and move it. There isn't much else you can do. It WILL cause pressure sometimes, or if the shims break you could have an issue. My friend's 150 gallon had too weak of a stand, and well, you can guess the rest. Try furniture aranging to see what level place you could put it. If the floor is REALLY crooked, I'd call a carpenter. That's not quite right.
I checked it last night with a level. The tank is currently in my hall way on a concrete floor which has carpet. It's leaning backwards and looking at it the back needs to be raised by about 10mm to get it right

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