Tank Nightmares


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2007
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i was just wondering if anyone else has nightmares of their tank taking a nose dive. Over the past month ive had to have had atleeast 5 dreams of my fish tank ####ting the bed lol. must be from all the money it costs. SO i was just wondering if im all alone on this one.
Just the other night I had a dream that my tank was infested with giant alien looking crabs that broke out of the tank, along with eating all the fish and corals.
I think I spent too much time that day looking at my tank. :hyper:
All the time I spend on forums, and doing marine biology art university you'd think id have the occasional dream about them, but sadly not. Maybe im getting enough in my real life I dont need it in my sleep? :p Maybe that means your not getting enough in your real life new2saltyfish! :lol:
lol maybe. i think its the fact of all the money putting in and if anything goes wrong it's gonna suck. One dream i has there were giant eels in the tank eating all the fish lol.
i had a dream that all the fish went crazy and they ate my arm adn then the next hting i know i was in the tank and got eaen by something
Nope, I have dreams about the tank, but only good ones. No nightmares.
i lost power last night for 4 hours do to a winter storm
so far it was my first time losing power wile having my salt tank
and i did not like it at all. thank god i had a power inverter to keep
some of the stuff going . :good:
These little white worms started appearing one night in my tank, and that night i had a dream that the whole tank was complete filled with them :crazy: it wasn't pleasant. My mom had the same dream too that night :lol:
I had a dream that my fish started going missing one by one, when i was bending over the tank looking for them behind the plants and rocks one of them spider type aliens from ALIEN jumped out of the water and clamped onto my face!!!!

What does this mean?!?!?

All the time I spend on forums, and doing marine biology art university you'd think id have the occasional dream about them, but sadly not. Maybe im getting enough in my real life I dont need it in my sleep? :p Maybe that means your not getting enough in your real life new2saltyfish! :lol:

I would have to agree with that... I haven't a bad dream about my tank for a long time. I think it would be a uninanimous conclusion that I have probably got the most "enough" out of nearly everybody here... :crazy:

I did have a dream, after my tank crashed for the 2nd time, that a large, yellow angler (fish) with enormous white, triangle shaped teeth and huge eyes was hiding in my rocks, with it's head exposed, staring at me. Even though a fish like that would actually be pretty cool in real life, it was very horrible in the dream with an 'alien-like' quality to it. That was the last 'bad' dream I had about my tank.


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