Tank never cycled or has it??????????????


Fish Crazy
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
hmmm weird.

3 weeks ago
got a jebo r3126 tank.
Set it up with heaps of live plants and added 14 neon tetras.
tested every day for amonia and nitrite after about 4 days was given some butterfly chiclids to baby sit( until friend gets bigger tank)

after testing every day for 12 days and finding nothing i added 2 siamese flying foxes 1 SAE and 2 albino corydoras.

tested every day for another 6 days and still nothing. so added antother 2 flying foxes 3 albino corydoras and 4 dwark neon gouramis.

been 3 days and still no sign of anything.

before any one asks i have had the water tested 4 times by the fish shop

so what do you think has happend? is it normal?
Sounds like you got extremely lucky!?! Maybe the plants had a good amount of beneficial bacteria.

Have you tested the nitrAte level, and if so, what is it?
What's the volume of that tank??? And are you having any trouble maintaining a stable pH?

Two possibilities come to mind why you may not be getting any Ammonia or Nitrite results...

Possibility 1. Your filter pads contain activated carbon that's neutralizing the ammonia--thereby depriving any present nitrosomonas bacteria of the food they need (ammonia) and therefore they are not producing the by-product, nitrite. Once that carbon is "used up" you will begin to experience ammonia and nitrite spikes (and pH fluctuation)

Possibility 2. Your test kits may be too old. Or the pet store's kits may be too old. Do a little experiment on the ammonia test kit in a bucket of some tap water with a couple tiny drops of household ammonia cleaner added. See if your test kit picks up on the ammonia. If not--time for a new kit.

Hope this helps.
Tank size is about 80us gallons.
1267mm x 500mm x 500mm

Test has got a date stamped on it of january this year batch.

tested friends new tank and came up with amonia so my test kit is ok.

The filter doesnt use carbon anywhere

Spoke to the local fish shop and they said it was not unusual for that tank to cycle so quickly when it heavily planted because of the efficient filtration system the jebo's use.

They told me this is not the first time they had been asked that question about ultra fast cycling on this particular tank.

So lucky maybe or just an awesome tank

JEBO R3126 is deffinatly worth the money
Just curious, but have you got a nitrate reading? I think it is marvelous that you have escaped the dreaded spikes but... me being me i would be curious to know the nitrate reading. If you have truly escaped the spikes then i think this tank should move to the top of everyones wishlist. Sounds like a great set up for the fish with all those plants. Good luck :)
did you add any benificial bacteria to the tank when you set it up?
e.g. substrate from another established tank?
also, did the plants have stuff on their roots? like padding?

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