Tank Moving


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2006
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hey all im in the painful process of moving i have a 35g tank thats been up and running for about a year now and is home too a pair of key hole cichlids 6 tiger barbs 4 serpae tetras and 4 congo tetras what is the best way to move fish i have a big plastic container would it be ok to half fill it with tank water and put the fish in to transport them to the new house then go back and get the tank probably be about 45 minutes in between would i need to put my heater in the plastic container while i go and get the tank any advice would be much appreciated thanks russell :good:
When I bought my current tank second hand I also wondered about transportation and time. I transported all the fish in a 10ltr bucket with lid. It was filled up to the top to avoid the water sloshing around inside and stressing the fish. I had a further 2 buckets the same with water in and this was used to fill a 220 ltr tank. The rest was filled up with tap water using appropriate chrorine treatment as i went and making a guessat right temp. From catching the fish at the owners house to me setting up at my house took about 2 hrs and all the fish survived. No heating was used on the buckets but it was in August so temperature in the air was warm. The fish were

1 clown loach
3 golden barbs
5 fake siamese algea eaters
2 tiger barbs
1 albino ruby shark
3 chinese algae eaters
Hi admins, I wonder if you should make the moving a fish tank a "pinned" article at the top of the page so people could just go there to read about it instead of having to make a post and you sending each of them the same information. Just a hopefully helpful thought :)
I moved my sixty gallon fish tank three times over two hundred miles and all my fish survived. I put them in five gallon buckets filled 1/2 to three quarters full. I used my tank water and added a battery powered bubbler to keep the water oxygenated. I also taped chemical heat packs to the sides of the bucket to add additional heat for the trip. I also seperated my aggresive fish from my semi aggressive fish to keep casualities down :) It takes awhile but I had my fish in these buckets for over twelve hours for the move and all of them survived so you should be fine! Good luck!

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