Tank move


New Member
Jul 8, 2004
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I have bought a tropical fish tank from a friend & we are going to move it this weekend. The tank is set up at his place which is just up the road so the move will not take to long. What i’m worried about and i could do with some advice on is the setting it back up at my place. The main problem i see is the water. What do i do with the new water that has just come out of the tap and re-introducing the fish. I have a bad feeling that i’m going to kill the lot. :sad:
:hi: to the forum

The new water will be ok but keep the filter medium in the old tank water for the move and keep the gravel as well covered in old tank water. then you will only go through a mini cycle, hopefully, with no probs. If you can keep at lest 255 of the water that would be good but don't worry if you cant the main thing is the filter and gravel.

don't forget to add de-chlorinator to the new water, aquasafe is as good as any other available in many lfs.
Thanks for the advice - not as bad as i thought it was going to be.
welcome to the forum :hi:

what size tank and what kind of fish?
Thanks DD

Size - Approx 1.5 x 2 x 5 Fish - most of the common fish ie: Angel, Tetras, Danios, Guppies, that sort of thing. There is also a good number of live plants and hopefully these will survive the move as well. Would you know if it is a good idea to use sand instead of gravel - or am i pushing my luck, with the move and all :nod: :no: ?
laggo said:
Thanks DD

Size - Approx 1.5 x 2 x 5 Fish - most of the common fish ie: Angel, Tetras, Danios, Guppies, that sort of thing. There is also a good number of live plants and hopefully these will survive the move as well. Would you know if it is a good idea to use sand instead of gravel - or am i pushing my luck, with the move and all :nod: :no: ?
Angels will grow big and will need re-homing at some point. the plant should do fine just keep wet for the move.

Ok if going for sand thats fine theres a lot of info on this forum (search sand), but you need to keep the bacteria thats in the gravel. to do this put some of the gravel in a pair of tights and lay on the sand, in a few days the bacteria will have spread to the sand and you can remove the gravel without disturbing anything too much.

Dont want so sour the post but I tried the same thing when I move to my new house and everything died because the Nitrate and Anomina level shot throught the roof. I hope you have better luck than I did :(


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