Tank move.


New Member
Dec 3, 2003
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I got a new 26gal tank for Christmas. :D So I went and moved most of my stuff from my 10 to the 26. I transferred all the furniture, plants, most of the gravel and the powerfilter from my established 10gal to the 26. I kept everything wet in buckets during the move. And then installed all the stuff in my new tank. Do you think any of the bacteria made it? Or do I have to go thru another long cycle? I don't know if my fish can handle another one. :-( Thank you.

Hi GoneFishin' :)

You did everything right! :nod: And you don't have too many fish in there, so I think it should work out nicely.

Just give it a week or so to settle in and do your water tests. If things look good then, you can safely begin adding more fish. I suggest you do it gradually, adding just a few fish a week so that the bacteria can catch up to the increased fish load in between.

Once you have that tank established, it will be easy to take part of the gravel, etc. and redo your smaller tank, if you want to run that one too. :nod:

Good luck with your new tank! :D

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