Tank modifying.

jordan barnhart

Fish Crazy
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Nashville, Tennessee - USA
I have a 55 gallon tank that was bought as a critter tank. It holds water but I don't trust it enough. It isnt recomended for fish it says. It is glass, and I was wondering if I could silicone it together to make it stronger. I have 100% aquarium grade silicone too..,

Thanks in advance.
How thick is the glass? Even if you make the glue stronger, if the tank can't take the pressure, it will crack. The most like place would be the bottom, especially with gravel and ornaments.

These are speculations, but my question still stands.
yeah going to need the glass thickness to make an accurate answer for you
The glass should be 6mm minimum but 8mm is preferable to hold water for a tank that size. You'll need to look at the joins of the glass as well, ie. how they are held in place by supports/framework, etc.
I think if the manufacturers have gone as far as to say not recommended for fish, then it probably isn't a good idea.

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