Tank mates

bichir boi

Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2004
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Hey, i am just about to buy a 5 by 2 by 2 tank. I was wondering what fish i can keep in it? Im putting my senegalus in it, also i want 3 needle nose gars if i can?
I really like dats, the false siamese tiger fish in particular. Im not sure what else i could add maybe another bichir or cichlid?
less agressive cichlids like oscars or firemouths might work. Also a really neat fish if you can find it would be the archers fish (I'v only ever seen one shipment and they were all dead when they came).
An oscar is to big i think. Archer fish are brackish anyway? Id really like a jaguar cichlid but theyre to big and aggressive.
Yep, Archers are brackish. It's a damn shame too :sly: .

I would go with...a snakehead! (just looked at some pics of one in the members gallery) :shifty:

Jags are quite aggressive, but I tihnk they can be kept with a Senegalus. Needle nose gars would be fine, or African Butterfly Fish!

You have lots of options ;)

Bichirs wouldn't take very well to a very aggressive fish like a Jag, or a red snakehead like Technium's ;)

One of the dwarf snakeheads on the other hand could be an option, I believ CFC has a profile on one of those species in the fish index (Look under labrynth fish) :)
I believe most Dats would get too big or too aggressive for your tank, but how about a nice bala shark or three? failing that you could try any number of fish like uarus, discuss angels or more obscure things like your gars!
an oscar would be fine in there, couple of sevrums, few more smaller species of bichirs and your gars should do quite nicely then a fire or tyre tack eel if you like there??

geophagus would get along in there, G. surimensis or S. Jurapari spring to mind as good choices of them.
Oddball said:
I believe most Dats would get too big or too aggressive for your tank, but how about a nice bala shark or three? failing that you could try any number of fish like uarus, discuss angels or more obscure things like your gars!
a couis microlepsis or False Siames tiger fish Would be fine in there size wise but would finish off those needlenosed Gars like spaghetti. I know a guy with a 4" one that eats 3" rosey reds.
Below is a partial list of possible tankmates for the small to midsized bichirs species.Parameters I used are based on size, temperment and availabilty . And i believe is a good starting point for you to do further research before purchasing -Anne


Dusky Pimelodid-Pimelodus blochii
Spotted Shovelnose-Hemisorubim platyrhynchos (listed with caution)
Shovelnose Catfish-Sorubim lima (listed with caution)
Giraffe Catfish-Auchenoglanis occidentalis
Dwarf giraffe Catfish-Parauchenoglanis macrostoma
Giant Whiptail Catfish-Sturisoma aureum
Synodontis cats-Synodontis cats sp.
Liver Catfish-Heteropneustes fossilis
Black Lancer-Bagrichthys hypselopterus
Bristlenose-Ancistrus dolichopterus
Silver Prochilodus-Semaprochilodus taeniurus
Silver dollar-Metynnis argenteus
Distichodus notospilus-Distichodus notospilus
Congo tetra-Phenacogrammus interruptus
Black-Barred Myleus-Myleus schomburgki
Filament tetra-Bryconaethiop microstoma
Peacock Eel- Macrognathus aculeatus
CICHLIDS *(see note)
Two-Spot Cichlid-Cichlasoma bimaculatum
Tilapia joka-Tilapia joka
Oscar-Astronotus ocellatus
Severum-Cichlasoma severum
Kribensis- Pelvicachromis pulcher
Sparkling Earth Eater-Satanoperca acuticeps
Blue acara-Aequidens pulchrus
Balzani's Earth Eater-Gymnogeophagus balzanii
Blood Parrot Cichlid-Hybrid no scientifc name
Blue-Eye Cichlid-Cichlasoma spilurum
Festivum-Mesonauta festivus
African Peacock Cichlid-Aulonocara nyassae
Balzani's Earth Eater-Gymnogeophagus balzanii
Bandit Cichlid-Aequidens geayi
Blockhead Cichlid-Steatocranus casuarius
Callolepis Cichlid-Cichlasoma callolepis
Freiberg's Peacock Cichlid-Aulonocara jacobfreibergi
Keyhole Cichlid-Cleithracara maronii
Port Acara-Aequidens portalegrensis
Ctenopoma .acutirostre-Ctenopoma .acutirostre
Ctenopoma oxyrhynchus-Ctenopoma oxyrhynchus
Ctenopoma kingsleyae-Ctenopoma kingsleyae
Black Shark-Labeo chrysophekadion
Harlequin Shark-Labeo cyclorhynchus
Variegated Shark-Labeo variegatus
Bala Shark-Balantiocheilos melanopterus
Red-Finned Cigar Shark-Leptobarbus hoevenii
Tinfoil Barb-Barbodes schwanefeldii
Chinese Algae Eater-Gyrinocheilus aymonieri
Clown Loach-Botia macracantha
African mudfish-Phractolaemus ansorgei
Black Ghost Knifefish -Apteronotus albifrons
Elephantnose-Gnathonemus petersii
African butterfly-Pantondon bucholzi
African Knifefish-Xenomystus nigri
I forgot i want a lima shuvelnose or some kinda of shuvelnose. I thought the dat was small enough for the tank. The gars get to 12 inches though isnt that a bit large. Im not sure bout other bichirs though dont they fight?
I did want a predatory tank so im not keen on discus and fish like that.
I wouldnt suggest any of the Labeo genus as tankmates for bichirs, these fish like plecs can have a habbit of nibbling on the slime coats of bichirs and other fish with ganoid scales, i have had first hand experience of this and got rid of my black shark because of it. Tinfoil barbs are also not a fish id recomend as they have insatiable appetites and will out compete any bichir for food, again i have had first hand experience as i had to get rid of my 5 tinfoil barbs after they ate all the food before anything could eat and attacked other fish that tried to feed.
I dont like tinfoil barbs and bala sharks anyway. Cheers though! Its a shame you cant keep plecos with bichirs because i do like them.

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