tank mates


New Member
Mar 4, 2005
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I asked before but I think people misunderstood my question so I will ask again---I have a 150 gal. I want to go with odd species such as--bichirs, eels, gobys, african knife, frogs and odd things like that. I know I can ask my lfs but they sometimes just want to sell fish and be done with you. At least its like that here. Im just tired of the same things and want a change. Thank you
150 gallons is a good size tank and will make a nice home for your oddballs. Just make sure that there's no little escape holes.
I think if you have frogs mixed in with the other fish you have stated they will not be around for long.

The ornate bichir i had, had quite an apetite for feeders even when they were not meant to be feeders. The goby i have will eat anything that moves, that included the 4" rainbow cichlid it ate! Especially as it was put in there to see if i could get something to live in the same tank!

My only suggestion is to do a bit of research on the oddballs before buying them.

Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide to have.
thank you for the input. i will keep all of you updated on my progress as what can live with what....once again--thank you :D

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