tank mates


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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so i got one small goldie in my 20 gal all alone now and i was wondering is there anything else to go with him (besides minnows and danios)

i was thinking some cories but any other suggestions?
apart from some loach or plec i'm not sure what else will go in coldwater, i think platties can manage it.

check out ryans pinned topic or apart from goldfish....
Common Minnow, Flathead Minnow, Bitterlings, Rainbow Dace, Weather Loaches, Garra pingi pingi are just a few examples, the only problem is finding them so its best to see whats available to you. :)
As you mentioned cories I thought I would mention tat I used to keep peppered cories in a coldwater tank. From information I founf on them, including Planet Catfish, they actually prefer cooler tempatures and tropical tempatures are actually at the top end of their tolerance.

okay thanx everyone ;)

i think as he gets older i will move him to a pond, but for now i think im gonna get a small school of some corys for him

my lfs keeps albinos and bronze corys in coldwater tanks and for a low price so maybe ill get maybe 3? or should i get more?
they dont produce much bioload, and its is a 20 gallon, so i dont see why not. and they really do like to be kept in huge groups. Maybe you can get away with 6.
Singles are a big NO I would say three for now .... aenus corys are so hyper :lol: You may decide you want some other corys too go with them eventually ... They really are great I have 3 in my 10 gal.

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