Tank Mates


Fish Crazy
Apr 5, 2011
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i have set up some small tanks (between 8 and 25 ltrs) over the last few weeks and decided to get some bettas for them. what tank mates would anyone sugges? i thought of some kuhli loaches in one of the larger tanks. in the smallest tank theres an obviously small stocking level so thought maybe a cpl of shrimp? i also own a small albino ACF maybe 40mm in lenght. i have had him 2 years and he hasnt grown at all, so there isnt much chance of him eating a betta. would he be able to live with a fighter? any one had any experience with kg bettas? new to the forum. new to fighters.
Hi there and welcome to the forum,- and the wonderful world of bettas! :)

I'm sure you will get some very good replies to your post,- but I will start with saying that several people on here have purchased bettas from KG Bettas and have been very happy with their buys! :good:

I know of someone who keeps kuhli loach happily in with their bettas :good: Someone else will have to let you know re the shrimp! Aquatic frogs go well,- but I wouldn't want to try the ACF's myself! Corys are a popular choice of companion for bettas. A nice group of pygmy corys is super! Your tank sizes sound a bit small to me though so I will have to defer to more experienced betta owners to advise further. :) (I couldn't say what or how many would be appropriate for you,- sorry.)
I have a very aggressive male betta. Tried putting him with other fish and had to separate them, as he went on assualt.

I did however have success with a dwarf pleco. It was like 2 days before he even SAW the pleco... I know he sensed something else in the tank, scented it or whatever, and seemed even to be doing recon to find it. Eventually he stumbled upon it and just didn't seem to have any interest.

In fact i caught it on film if you are interested. However, be prepared, plecos will poop like racehorses. Also you need some light to create a little algae in the tank, you don't even have to see it, and they will suck on the glass. Additionally, algae wafers on occasion, just a small piece, about a fourth of a wafer once a week or 10 days.


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