tank mates


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2003
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i was wondering if i could get 2 black convicts and 2 butterfly fish for my tank. will any of my fish pose a threat to them. i was also thinking about getting 2 albino tier barbs and 2 green tiger barbs. what do you guys think about the tamk mates.:band:
Well we need to know the size of the tank but I can tell you now that Tiger barbs in all of my experiences have been aggressive fin nippers. Butterflies are rather delicate so I would think the barbs would rip them apart. (I don't like barbs for this very reason.)
Firstly Sondan is right about the butterflys and barbs, butterfly fish have long delicate finnage which is like a red rag to a bull for barbs and once stressed butterflys rarely recover.

Convicts in a non cichlid community is a deffinate no no, for there size they are highly aggressive and if they start breeding only get worse, your other fish just wouldnt stand a chance.

Which species of bichir do you have? If it is anything other than a senegalus then your shark and tiger barbs are in trouble of being eaten once the bichir has a little size on it, long thin fish and those under 3" make nice meals for bichirs.

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