Tank Mates


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
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So I'm thinking about getting a 26 gallon tank for Christmas and I definately want a turtle (baby RES) or some newts... or maybe both? Last time I had an RES with fish, it didn't go too well. I had a 1.5" RES in a 55 gallon with plenty of expensive tropical fish. He really liked eating them... I eventually had to catch minnows for him to chase so he would leave the other fish alone. I guess this time, I should have bigger fish and keep a few feeders in there? Or if I keep newts, do I have to worry about anything? I've had plenty of newts, but never with fish. OR could I have a turtle, two newts, AND fish?! Maybe I'm getting carried away. Any suggestions?
if i were you id go with one or the other. Turtles will nibble on and bite newts until death. fish, would be eaten by the newt or if the fish is bigger then the newt the newt will become uncomfortable, stressed and die....or be attacked. Turtles will eat the fish. So pick one and go with it. Dont try them together! o ya, the newt needs a small amount of land....and turtle too.
you cannot have a turtle w/ live fish... think about it what do they eat in the wild? fish right.. duhh
and a turtle w/ a newt is a no no the turtle will nip at the newt and eventualy kill him.

and both newts and turtles need a "basking" light or there body temp will drop and they will die. and ovcourse turtles and newts need land or they will stress themselfs out and die.

i have kept turtles for about 5 years and to have a good turtle tank you need a BIG rock in the middle with a smaller rock next to it ( so he can use it as a step to get to the big one) and just enough water so the turtle floats about 3" off bottom. they dont need any aireation or filtering. just change the water every week or so.

srry about spelling
What exactly did you plan to do with the RES once it gets too big for the tank? best to only keep critters you can take care of, and never release critters into the wild.

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