Tank Mates


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
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One of my tanks is 28 litres and is used mainly for a few fry at a time. Usually molly fry and no more than 4 or 5 at once. Also in the tank are 2 kuhli loaches and a smalll clown plec.
Will a betta be ok with these tank mates. Do you think the tank is big enough? I usually move the mollies out at about 3/4 inch long.
I wouldn't add anything else, the tank is already overstocked.
An even if you do violate the over stocking rule by adding the betta, he'll probably become agressive and tear up your other fish out of bordom and lack of private space. :D
Thanks for the replys,but another question.
I have read and re-read that bettas are fine in 2 gallons. As this tank is 6UK gallons, why would it be overstocked? The 3 molly fry in there are going to be moved out in a couple of weeks which will leave just 2 loaches and the clown plec. I don't have to put more fry in, so would the betta be ok in there with just the others?
I have a betta in each of my community tanks and all are thriving.
clown pleco = 4" of fish
2 kuhlis = 6" of fish

10" of fish

betta = 2" fish

12" of fish.

It would be overstocked by a fair bit, even if one of the fish concerned is a light waste producer. The betta has a tendancy to leave bottom dwellers alone, so if you think you can keep a tank clean with that large of a bioload, then sure, it's possible.
Yes the mollies need salt but i never add salt to the fry tank. They will be rehomed by the time they are even half grown and my fry have always done well.
As for keeping the tank clean, that's easily done :)
I do partial water changes on all my tanks weekly.
With 4 of them, that means i only get 3 days off :)
My other tanks are 96, 180 and 240 litres.
Good luck, then. Unless you have a big, powerful, gentle, cycled filter, or a tank that's heavily planted, I'd recommend a large change versus a small one.

I have 3 ADFs and 1 betta in my 5g, and I change 50% of the water per week at the moment.
Update: Baby mollies moved out. Water change was done yesterday. Purple fighter moved in today. He's lovely :)
I may put the clown plec in my 180 litre.I'll see how things go.

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