Thanks riogal II
I have added a couple of Malasian trumpets already. I had decided to forgo an apple in 5 usg. I might consider it in a larger tank. They are described as being messy.
I am still considering a few pygmys. I may try it, unless someone has had a bad experience or something more specific. Frankly I never see any of my cories going to the surface much. The otos do and love a bubble stream. The clown loaches do. But my cories don't.
It is a planted tank. There will be a second one next to it.
I have 25 of the little cories coming this weekend. I have now 2-tens (empty), 1-twenty (4 serpae), 2-Hex 5 (1 empty), 1 Eclipse 3 (empty), 1 Eclipse 12 (a miniture gourami community) ready for the new 4-6 bettas coming with the cories. I have a 100 usg, but I don't want to put new fish in there. It's too hard to deal with if someone gets sick or there's contamination. Cleaning tanks is beginning to be what I do. There may also be a 30 usg soon--we'll see.
If every rectangle tank is split to five usg segments that's potentially 10-five usg segments for bettas. I don't know for sure how many bettas are shipping.
I have seasoned media, biowheels, filters, substrate, plants and decor to establish the new tanks.
I am trying to make a plan for homes for the little guys w/o over loading the systems. They need to be split up.
Any suggestions?