Tank Mates - Good Idea Or Not?


Fish Addict
Feb 26, 2006
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I have a 3.5 gallon tank with just one betta in it. Is it possible to keep a couple of the "paradise fish" gouramis as tank mates, or is that a bad idea?

I saw the tankmates sticky but I don't want snails and I didn't see any other fish acceptable for a 3.5 - does anyone know any good tankmates for a 3.5? I realize it might be a bit small, but I'm just wondering, and I won't get any tankmates if it's not a good idea.
Paradise fish get to be 10cm long and are territorial. They would need a tank of at least 20 gallons. Its also probably not a good idea to put them in with a betta at all, despite the small tank. They would most likely pick on him.
About the only thing you can have with a betta in a tank that small besides snails is a single ADF or a couple of ghost shrimp (which may or may not be killed and eaten, but hey, they're cheap)
gourami + betta = no

your betta will get shredded by a gourami no matter what size your tank is
it's not worth the risk

and synirr is right about tank mates for a 3.5 gallon.
paradise fish and fighting fish no i wouldnt recommend it at all...................i have fighting fish in 1 tank and paradise fish in another they are just as angry as each other when i put a mirror next to them............adf prob ok only 1

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