Tank Mates For Silver Dollars?

Iron Man

Fish Addict
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
Lexington, SC USA
I'm getting my 55 gallon back from my sister that I had given her and missed. I didn't ask for it back, and feel lucky she doesn't want it anymore. ;)

I've had Silver Dollars in it before and loved them. I'm thinking of putting 5 or 6 (small to medium) back in there with some neon tetras (maybe about 12) and my 4 cory cats currently with a 20 gallon all to themselves (OK there's 1 platy fry in there).

I was thinking of putting a few hatchet fish or minnows in there to fill in the top a bit. What do you think? Is all this good with Silver Dollars? Am I already stocked to the limit you think?

The tank will be filtered with an Eheim 2217 (w/about 2 liters of SeaChem's Matrix media) and bubble wands will stretch most of the length of the rear of the tank behind some slate and playsand will be the substrate. I know I can't put plants in there with SDs but have had some pothos hanging out of the rear side for over a year now (the roots are in the current AquaClear 110 on the tank and by a window, its quite impressive) and I'm sure its eating a lot of nitrates, etc.

I may try and keep the AC110 if I can find a way to adapt the intake tube around the bubbles in the back (which I'm sure I can do).

So it will probably have the Eheim AND AC110.
the silver dollars will get much bigger than the other species you wish to keep. This would limit the smaller fish's ability to get food when the dollars get bigger.

The silver dollars will also reduce the number of other fishes you can have in the tank due to their size. Basically your tank would be pretty heavily stocked with them in it.
You make a very valid point. I'm also now wondering would they go after the neons as snacks when they get bigger, something I hadn't thought of. :crazy:

Maybe I'll just up the number of cories to 6 to 8 and keep only them with the SDs. Should still be beautiful. :good:

Thanks for your input!

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