Tank Mates For My Plecos


New Member
Apr 22, 2012
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Hi, I'm quite new to fish keeping and am really enjoying it. My tank's been up and running now for just under a month and all levels are normal (ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/pH - 6.9). I have a 60 litre tank with two mollies, two common plecs and have recently introduced two corydoras Sterbai.

I've done a lot of research and realise my 60l tank is too small for the plecs (I got them only 6 months ago and they're already 10cm long (I think that's about 4 inches)!), so I went and bought another 100l tank from my LFS today, and will start to cycle it tonight and move them in there within a few weeks. By August they will be separated (One will go to a 200l that my friend has). So I'm hoping they'll feel more comfy soon.
In the meantime I want to keep my cory's and mollies in the 60l tank, and start a planted aquarium (I can't have too many plants at the moment coz the plecs just destroy them!).
My question is this: What other fish can I keep with my plecs? and what fish can I keep in the 60l tank with the cory's and mollies? I'm finding all the info out there to be very confusing and can't seem to get a straight answer anywhere. Obviously my 100l tank with the plecs won't be planted (the bogwood will go with them of course which has planted moss ontop), so I'd ideally like to get fish that are OK not being in a planted aquarium.

Any info would be very helpful and appreciated :)
First off neither the 100 or the 200 are big enough for a common either, something to think about, they could have doubled in size to 8 inches by August

60l is pretty small, probably best not to add anything else in that tank, how many corys and mollys are there?

Any fish will be fine with commons, they are pretty much bullet proof, their ultimate size is your issue.

Have I misunderstood or did you get your commons 4 months before your tank? :-s
Hi xingumike, thanks for the reply. I've got 2 mollys,2 corys and the 2 commons in the 60l at the moment. Long story wrt the plecs; I bought them with my then bf, in September last year (7 months ago actually - didn't realise it was so long ago!). I moved out and have only recently taken them back, and now have them in the 60l tank. LOL, I can see how that was confusing!
I realise the 100l will be too small eventually, I'm hoping they are OK until August. We have a pond outside (have no idea the size but definitely over 200litres) - I read somewhere that they could be very happy in an outside pond...do you know if this is OK? By August, our weather in Cape Town will be warmer so it could be an option? I can always put a heater in there when winter hits.

I've read on many forums that a 200l tank is fine to keep a common in, you are obviously not happy with that idea - what size tank would you suggest?

FYI: My 100litre tank dimensions: 90cm (l) x 30cm (w) x 35cm (h).

I've started cycling the 100l tank - hope it won't be too long till I can move the big guys out. :)
bare minimum for a common would be a 4x2x2 which is just under 450l.

What is the summer and winter temperature in Capetown?
bare minimum for a common would be a 4x2x2 which is just under 450l.

What is the summer and winter temperature in Capetown?

Sorry, but 4x2x2? Not sure what measurements you're meaning? 4x2x2 meters/feet?

It can get quite cold in CT in winter (lowest would be 7*C), and very warm in summer (about 25-35*C). Would a heater work in winter? (There are koi and goldfish in this pond though...mmm). I'm not that happy with my LFS, not sure WHY they're selling these poor things to people without telling them they get huge! It's so frustrating...but I guess it's partly my fault too - should have done more research before I bought them! :(

Winter is way too cold, have no experience of heating ponds I am afraid.
OK so my tank's almost finished cycling and I've realised that my initial question was never answered..! I know my 25gallon tank is too small for common plecs, but for now (until they go into the pond in summer), what can I get in there to accompany them in the meantime?

Obviously I don't want to get anything that gets too big and after doing some research I see many of the fish at my LFS do get quite big :( Clown loaches, rope fish, Black ghosts...and they're the real interesting ones too! Anyway, so I'm hoping someone can give me some advice for some interesting fish that I can add. Any ideas?

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