tank mates for male betta


New Member
Mar 6, 2004
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ive been browsing alot of the topics in here and see alot of people mix there bettas with other fish. i was wondering if anyone knows how well a betta would be with neon tetras, corys, and zebra danios, and is there a ay to test to see how agressive he would be with them?
i was going to get "glo-fish" (pink "glowing") zebra danios to go in with my gentle betta, but i was told on a few betta boards not to because zebra danios are fin nippers. but small tetras are good, neons, glowlights cardinals and many people keep corys with their betta. as well as otos ghost shrimp and african dwarf frogs (but NOT clawed african dwarf frogs)
ETA: i plan on getting some glowlight tetras to go in with one of my bettas.
I have had a betta in tanks for many years............in my experience they only do well with very mild mannered tetras. I had Angles once............(was a stupid, stupid girl that knew nothing) and I am sure you know what happened to that poor betta. Until just recently, I had a betta in with a few guppies, glow lights, and glass cats and they all did fine. I just moved the male guppies into my community since Barry White was singing love songs to the fish and they were all feeling frisky! :lol:
All bettas have different dispositions, so you need to watch them, but they do well with most tropical community fish.

Here are the fish I have learned not to use, but some people may be okay with them.......I steer clear of them though........

barbs of any kind
hatchets may or may not work
butterfly fish

good luck!
ok i added one of my bettas to the 10 gallon...i took out the danios and put them in a 5 gallon tank just for the itme being to see how my betta likes it and if h does the danios are going to a new home. so far he hasnt flared at all which im guessing is a good sign? the betta has been swimming slowly and hasnt really left the top of the tank...is this ok? he hasnt gone after any fish and they havent gone after him.
well i took him out for now...he wasnt really doing much in th tank and i was afraid somehting might happen to him over night. and i was worried that he wouldnt get anough food. is there anything i can do to make it so he can get some food and so the other fish dont eat it all? and does anyone know what goes good with bettas?

My betta has been good w/my cory. and I also have two ottos.

Everyone is getting on fine :D

But it depends on the betta, they are all so unique in their personality B)

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