Fish Crazy
When I fishless cycle my tank, kasai the betta will be moving there from his 5 gall.
This new tank is the aquanano 40, and it is a 40cm cube that holds 55L, though that includes the back filter housing, so it is more like 45L (about 12 gall).
What are some good tank mates for him?
I know about pygmy Cory cats, but I'm wondering about other options, perhaps something a little more colorful.
This new tank is the aquanano 40, and it is a 40cm cube that holds 55L, though that includes the back filter housing, so it is more like 45L (about 12 gall).
What are some good tank mates for him?
I know about pygmy Cory cats, but I'm wondering about other options, perhaps something a little more colorful.