Tank mates for a Betta in a 13 gal?


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
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Hi all,

I posted a few days ago asking about a 10gal tank, but I've since purchased a 13 gal (US) tank for my as yet unpurchased male Betta. It will have a piece of Mopani wood and lots of plants when its setup, but I wondering what else I can put in there with him?

I'm pretty sure I want some Ottos, but I'd also like some small fish such as Tetras maybe. Would such a fish be ok with the Betta?

Do you have any other suggestions???
Tetras and danios can be fin-nippers, so the betta's fins will be easy prey. And even if the tetras don't attack the betta, some bettas with aggressive temperaments tend to turn on the smaller fish.

You might want to add rasboras, though. They add color and the harlequin rasboras I have are very placid. Have heard otherwise, but different people get different results.

Bottom feeders. :nod: These will add activity to the bottom of your tank. Everyone's favorite: corydoras. You can go for pygmies, aneus, julli, whatever. Just try to get a large group, if possible, because they are rather gregarious fish. Don't forget the special food for the otos and bottom feeders. :fun:

What plants are you getting? Is the flow on the filter adjustable? I ask because bettas are easily pushed around by fast currents.
Tempestuousfury said:
You might want to add rasboras, though. They add color and the harlequin rasboras I have are very placid. Have heard otherwise, but different people get different results.
I've also had good results with rasboras and bettas. They are also lovely fiish, and added benefit!
Kuhli loaches are another great bottom feeder. I would suggest 5-6, if you don't want to do cories.

Both cories and Kuhlis require sand or very small gravel. Personally, I prefer sand.

Congrats on the new tank! :D
The plants I'm getting are the second collection at:


But I'm splitting the pack between two tanks so not really sure what will be in there as yet. I have a Fluval internal filter that is adjustable, so hopefully that will be ok, the tank actually had a filter built into the hood but it was far too loud for my liking so I added the Fluval.

I was thinking Cories before reading about the Otos, but I wouldn't say I have small gravel and I don't want to change it, but having said that I them in my other tank and apart from one death they seem to be doing fine so thats still an option I guess. Would it be ok to have both Otos & Cories? Won't the Cories fast zipping around the tank annoy the Betta?

I also have Rasboras in my other tank, so I was hoping I could get something a little different..... Not sure I like the look of Kuhli loaches, but thanks for the suggestion please keep em coming if anyone has anymore.

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