Tank Mate Suggestions for a Single Pea Puffer in Fluval Flex 9 gallon


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2022
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Hi everyone,

I see many differing opinions online regarding whether or not tank mates are a good idea to keep with a single pea puffer. I have one in a 9gal Fluval Flex with sand substrate, densely planted and with spider wood and stone. Lots of hiding places. Curious to hear your opinions on whether to just keep the pea puffer alone, add more puffers or if other tank mates could be added (ie: bottom dwellers like cories or a small school of shoaling fish? PH is 7, water temp is 77 degrees and water is on the soft side. Tank is well established.

Look forward to your opinions on this and thanks again.

I don't normally recommend tank mates for any species of puffer fish because they are renown fin nippers and either harass or eat the other things in the tank. The other issue is to do with most puffers releasing poison into the water if they are stressed. This can happen if you add a fish that stands up for itself and atacks or picks on the puffer. If the puffer releases poison into the tank, everything in it dies, including the puffer.

Single species tank is the way to go with puffer fish.

If the tank is big enough, get a few more of the same species.
Yep, agree with the previous. I got pea puffers to eat the damn bladder snails then when they finished them all they started eating all the other fish. They seem to pick on one fish out of them all, generally the one most easily snapped at, then have a go at it every time they could get near to it.
They're good snail killers but not the best to keep with other other fish.

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