Tank Mate For Jack Silver


Fish Addict
Jun 4, 2005
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My little common goldfish Jack Silver is living in a 2.5 gallon while Im getting a ten gallon ready for him. I know he needs a bigger tank but hes an inch and a half long. Anyway he seems kind of lonely. Could I add a small black moor? If so how big of a tank should I eventually put them in?
It depends, common goldfish are quicker then fancies so a black moore might have trouble competing for food, but as long as each of them get enough food then they will be fine. You'll have to be doing a lot of water changes- atleast 2 25% changes a week, because goldfish are messy, escpecialy when you have 2 in a 10 gallon. I wouldn't keep them in there for more then a year, under 6 months would be better.
I know that they cant stay in the ten for too long. I think Ill get a moor when I almost have enough to buy the 30G.

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