Tank Lights


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2005
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just wondering how long you have your tank lights on for, im having a slight algea problem my lights are on from 9.30 am - 8.30 im thinking tht might be too long. So was just wondering what everyone else did
I have one tank with the lights on for 14 hrs at the moment but that's just a temporary breeding thing and I am expecting an algae outbreak as a result! Ordinarily I have them on for about 8 hrs (2pm - 10pm) but due to algae issues in the 240l it was reduced to 6 hrs (4pm - 10pm). The light may well have triggered the algae in your tank and reducing it should help reduce it's spread. Just pick the hours where you are around to appreciate it the most and have them on then.
8 hours is generally advised I believe, this helps to encourage growth for any plants but also to keep a check on too much algae growing.

I have my lights on a timer from 2pm til 10pm, my led blue light comes on at 9.45pm until 1am the following morning. :)
I;ve reduced the timing of mine as I increased it from 2 to 3 54w t5s and algae became an issue,
They are now on a timer from 5pm to midnight. As they are in the garage I feed them and have a good gander at them usually about 11pm hence the late timing and I;m in work anyway till about 6pm

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