Tank Lighting

jordan barnhart

Fish Crazy
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Nashville, Tennessee - USA
I am running 2 shoplights with 4 bulbs in my 55 gallon. These are mounted in a canopy now. I want to know if I can take the stuff out of the shoplights like the ballasts and bulb holders and mount them in there. I've seen this before just need to know how to do this as I have no more room for lights. I have 3 sholights which is 6 bulbs. Only can fit 2..

Here is a pic describing what Im tlaking about.


Sure you can. The only problem is that you're going to have to water proof all the wires, connectors and mount the ballasts etc. It could get messy, which is why I just stuck with the shoplights. Also, the shoplights are usually steel, which helps absorb the heat off the ballast, and therefore preventing possible fire.
Ok, why not just screw the shoplights right into the top of the canopy? If you make it like the picture you showed before, how are you going to take things in and out of the tank? What is your hinge mechanism going to be?

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