tank lighting


New Member
May 12, 2004
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what is the best lighting to make tropical fish look more colourful.I noticed that when i look at fish at the lfs there brighter than mine :(
ive got the rio 180 tank with the standard lighting system
any ideas?
try to avoid buying bulbs at a fish store, go to a hardware store, home depot for example. They sell full spectrum bulbs for peanuts. I bought 4 foot tubes for 1/4 the price of the ones in the fish store and the fish look great!
Aim for kelvin temperature between 5000-7000K, this is the closest to the sun, everything higher becomes really purple and blue.
6500K is ideal natural light.
However some bulbs emphasize more of the spectrum. Also something neat is the 50/50 bulbs they have a 6000K core with a 50% 03 actinic blue which makes the water and fish beautiful.
I've had good results with Arcadia Freshwater Lamp and Interpet Daylight Plus, they're ideal for growing plants and bring out the fish colours really well, I also use reflectors to increase intensity for the plants.
I just got a 18000 K bulb. it's a little blueish but it encourages plant growth and makes my betta look really colourful.
you also want to make sure that you wattage is 2-3 watts per gallon. I have 5 gallon tank and 14 watt bulb so thats like 2.8 watts per gallon which is pretty dang good.

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