Tank Light


Fish Crazy
Jun 11, 2007
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ive got a 18*12*12 clear seal tank with one of the these click here and click here lids. want to add a light of some sort to the tank but dont know what the best way to go about it is. any advice?
You might be able to get away with adding a power compact or small T5 tube to that hood but it is a bit close to the water for comfort imo.

You could build a new hood to put new lights in or go for a small luminaire type unit or something like the Arcadia Arc Pods which is an easier option.


the problem with the Arcadia Arc Pods is that the lid wouldnt fit back on the tank. was hoping to be able to use the same lid for now. any other ideas?
or attached to the underside of an aquarium hood

guess i should have read that more carefully :blush: . thinking i might just get a drip dray and clip the light on the tank like in the pic, or do you think it would be better to attach it to the lid. do you happen to know if they come with the hardware to attach to lids. thanks again

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