tank in the sunlight


Feb 22, 2004
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I've read that having a tank in direct sunlight is bad, you get algae, and the temp fluctuates too much, right?

But I have one spot left in my room to put a tank, an old thing someone gave me that I repaired, and I would have to put it in the sunlight.
The sun doesn't reach it all day, it's under the window, so only when the sun is at its highest, it really hits the tank.
Anyhow, I was wondering if their are fish that like sunlight?
Maybe a special setup for these species then?

If not, I would just keep guppy fry in there...
American-Flag fish, sometimes called Florida flagfish, Jordanella floridae. From reading it seems that they like to sunbathe (rainbowfish do as well) and love algea growth in a tank. They will need lots of veggies in the diet. The males exhibit gourami-like aggression at breeding time. The fry are supposed to do well in green water tanks.
I have a 10 and 5 gallon near windows. The 5 doesn't get any direct sunlight and rarely indirect. The 10 gets both though I have blinds and can control the amount of sunlight on it. The plants in there really do well with the sunlight over the aquarium light so I set them up there.
It won't do any harm to have it in the sunlight. I'd avoid a dark substrate or background though; that might give you some heat problems. I think Sword plants and Vallisenaria (Giant or corkscrew) would do well in a tank like that; they both look like they can utilize light coming from a shallow angle.

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