Tank In Bedroom


Fish Fanatic
Apr 10, 2007
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Hello. i used to have a tropical fish tank in my bedroom and evrymorning when i woke up i had a really sore throat which caused it ti hurt when i swallowed! when i was out the house fine but evry morning it hurt.. i got rid of the tank and was fine from then on

but now i have another tank and its started to do it again :blink: does anybody get this? or anyone know of a reason why this may be happening? i dont want to get rid of my tank but i have to keep going to sleep in the spare room in the middle if the night cos it hurts when i breath in my room :eek:l n getting sick of it!

cheers :good:
I never tried it, but I always avoided a tank in the bedroom because of the noise the filter makes......

It sounds though that you have some kind of allergy related to the tank or some of its elements. Bettercheck with a doctor.....
How big is the tank Gordi?

I'm not sure what is happening here. The only thing I can possibly think of is that water evapouration is causing a slight change in your room's relative humidity which you are sensitive to. Either that or an alergy to something actually based in the tank itself.

Would having a window slightly open at night help?
its a 2.5foot tank. well filtered and heated.. it happens more so when its dirty and needs cleaning.

i have both my windows open at all times! when you breath something just catches the back of your throat its wierd..
no its a different one! and have different fish in it this time, im hoping to get some photos up soon as i have 2 fish in there n dont know what they are:O
I think we need to get Doctor House in on this one. He'll know what to do. :)
Sounds obvious that as the water evaporates at night the air humidifies and i would hazard a guess and say you may be like me and when you sleep as i do, and im only guessing this as i dont watch myself sleep but have woken up a few times with my mouth wide open. If this is so for you also then, im not sure if bacteria etc from the water also joins to these evaporated molecules but its highly likely that these molecules are catching on the back of your throat as you sleep whether or not u have the same problem as i do listed above i duno but yeah. Your simply breathing the air which has foreign particles in it your throat isnt used to and their catching and sticking to your throat. You could also go and see a doctor they should be able to confirm this or something of the sort, or it may turn out you do have an allergy to the rooms atmosphere changing state due to the tank. I always know when ive had a night where my mouth has been open all night because i wake up and it takes like an hour befor my throat clears. i have had a 4ft tank in my room for about 3 weeks with water in it now and havent noticed a drastic change like in your case, although my sister in the next room seems to be having longer conversations while she sleep talks LOL. anouther suggestion may be to get a lid which fully covers your tank and leave it on at night which may stop some of these particles getting to you!
sounds like your sensitive to the humidity :shifty:
i would move the tank from your bedroom to the lounge/kitchen/hallway,,,,,,,,,

here try sleeping with the door fully open on your bedroom and open the bedroom window<unless your ground floor>
try it for a few days and see how you feel,,,,,,
i have a similar prolem to plants<have two big bay trees in our bedroom and i find in winter with window closed that i wake with a banging head ache and dry throat feeling like ive got a hang over,,,if you find with window open you feel better then maybe invest in a dihumidifyer or move tank,,,,,

jokin aside my wifes alergic to fish but doesnt have any problems with the tanks aslong as she doesnt touch them

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