Fish Crazy
Well, here goes. I had to use a disposable for this so they suck but its a very pretty tank. The background is actually darker but since I had to use a flash....
I added this edit to let everyone know that I am aware that I have a Geocities issue now. I am going to be moving my page over to a better host soon. Until then, if you wish to view the pictures you can right click on the dead link and select properties, in there you will see the location of the picture, if you paste that into your explorer you will be able to see the pictures if you wish. I will try my best to get everything moved tonight.
I added this edit to let everyone know that I am aware that I have a Geocities issue now. I am going to be moving my page over to a better host soon. Until then, if you wish to view the pictures you can right click on the dead link and select properties, in there you will see the location of the picture, if you paste that into your explorer you will be able to see the pictures if you wish. I will try my best to get everything moved tonight.