Tank For Sale


New Member
Oct 8, 2008
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Thought I would just edit this post - The Marine tank is now up for sale - NO LIVE ROCK - NO FISH

3ft Tank - 3ft X 15 x18
Arcadia Luminaire T5 36''- blue & white bulbs (with spares)
2X Powerheads
Fluval 2 filter (used to clear water)
Sand included if wanted


Just looking for any offers please PM me.

Reason for sale: I am moving and will be downgrading to a smaller tank, the fish tank will be ready to collect as soon as I get my new one 1/2 weeks. It will have to be picked up by the 18th October.
What a bugger.
I just moved out of Hornchurch and to Colchester.

Guess I could do without another financial strain anyway haha.
Live rock is now sold.

Just the tank and equipment left now, and any enquirys about the marine.
Its a 35G 3ft X 15 x18 (i think)

Need to sell the bigger one first before this one can be sold as i need to buy a new smaller one to house my clowns.

But can Pm you with a price later and ill get a list up of what comes with.
Its a 35G 3ft X 15 x18 (i think)

Need to sell the bigger one first before this one can be sold as i need to buy a new smaller one to house my clowns.

But can Pm you with a price later and ill get a list up of what comes with.

Ok Dude/Dudette, sounds good...
This tank is now on EBAY! Ebay
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Bump *look at the new top of page please*

Tank now up for sale!
Erm i will find out for you, im not even sure myself lol! :huh:

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