k so i orderd two blue creyfish, be a long time till they come. as i need to clone any cycle my juwel 180, (hold breath i repaird it myself)!!!!! and a good story for another time. im looking to add a RTS, plec, some shrimp and maybe some crabs, more fish as and when if feel. though the dry land for the crabs is giving me a bad head! is there anything i need to do, whilst cycling, or at any other time.
initialy the tank will be as so:
juwel 180
juwel internal filter fitted with a juwel 6oo power head.
2 300w aquarium heaters.
sand or fine gravel ( advice on which would be welcome)
decoration atm consists of plants, plastic and live
im looking at using old orniments broken and built up into a system of caves and hideaways. held together by silicone, thought if this is not a good idea, i would like any pointers people can give.
thats as far as i have got any input would be welcome