Tank For Pincers And Claws


Aug 1, 2006
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have a 24"x12"x12" tank and am looking to set up a armour section to my collection thinking about crayfish, crab, shrimp and the like. what mix would you suggest, if any lol.
Crabs will eat the shrimp, and the crayfish will eat the crabs...
Crabs will eat the shrimp, and the crayfish will eat the crabs...
lol thought as much, though i do have rockshrimp and red crab atm in my tank and have, as yet, had no problems. indeed the only ones that get hassled, are the crabs, they get an awful bullying from the pygmy gurami!!!!

how about a small colony of fiddler crabs? or if i decide to get a couple of crayfish what could i put in with them?
Not sure about the crabs, but most crayfish grow quite and should be in a tank alone. The crayfish will most likely eat all of the smaller fish in your aquarium.
Not sure about the crabs, but most crayfish grow quite and should be in a tank alone. The crayfish will most likely eat all of the smaller fish in your aquarium.
:fun: yeh gona take some time but if i go that way ill be looking for something with a max size of about 5-6cm
i have a juwel 96 with 2 blue lobsters, 5 shrimp, red tail shark, sucking loach, plec and 6 guppys and they all live happley together with no problems

thanks for the reply, blue lobster was the beast a wanted. thing is the site i looked at warned that though they were to be kept between 70-75 they were not to be kept with a aquariun heater. i never did find out why! do you have any 'dry' area for the lobster? and would crabs, in your opinion, be ok with the "blue one". oddly enough i have both a plec and a red fin shark that could do with rehousing.
those blue 'lobsters' are amazing, my local has a little display tank with him in - i stand their for ages watching him! hes in there with guppies and tetras, and they seem to reside together quite nicely :)

i want one, but hed have most of my fish for dinner lol

fantastic guy tho!
k so i orderd two blue creyfish, be a long time till they come. as i need to clone any cycle my juwel 180, (hold breath i repaird it myself)!!!!! and a good story for another time. im looking to add a RTS, plec, some shrimp and maybe some crabs, more fish as and when if feel. though the dry land for the crabs is giving me a bad head! is there anything i need to do, whilst cycling, or at any other time.

initialy the tank will be as so:

juwel 180
juwel internal filter fitted with a juwel 6oo power head.
2 300w aquarium heaters.
sand or fine gravel ( advice on which would be welcome)
decoration atm consists of plants, plastic and live
im looking at using old orniments broken and built up into a system of caves and hideaways. held together by silicone, thought if this is not a good idea, i would like any pointers people can give.

thats as far as i have got any input would be welcome
I be wary of the blue 'crayfish' eating the other fish/inverts, also the live plants. The crabs will need brackish water, which will not do any good for your plec and will kill it slowly.

I'd use sand, also on the ornaments aslong as you have enough to make alot of caves etc. should be fine.

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