Tank Enemies


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2006
Reaction score
Lakewood, CA
Ok so now that i thought my tank was running smooth, im thinking i might have hit some problems. the first one is, i have seen posts with ppl talking about bristle worms, yet not sure what these guys look like. i noticed on one of my LR a lil colony of what looks like extremely small tube worm cases, r these bristle worms or something else? good or bad? if bad what to do?

second question, i notice this small looks like coral kinda thing growing on another LR. its very small, looks kinda like an unpealed banana, and every now and then has a tentacle that reaches out. it hasnt gotten any bigger, and none of my fish/inverts seem to be harmed by it. its yellow, and tiny, hopefully its not a sign of aptasia. if anyone can identify let me know, whether its good or bad as well?

no pics cuz both things r so small it would be unable to view in the pic. responses r greatly appreiciated.
"Call that a Bristle worm, THIS is a Bristle worm!" LOL (Quoting from movie).


As for identifying the other creature, its prety sure no one will be able to help you without a more in-depth detailed description. Maybe try a few LR creature Identification sites like this one: Meleve's http://www.melevsreef.com/id/
lol ok thats not it, they look like little white tube worms, maybe thats wat they r just never had them before since addin the refugium. but heres a pic its the best i could get.


and heres the yellow, banana lookin worm thing, let me know wat it is pic is bad i know
well from your description it sounds like digitate hydroids(very bad) they may look like stinger tentacles with many small balls on a string at night... just keep an eye because you want to get rid of em if they are but your pic uuum its interesting i cant see anything :)
yea the pic is very bad, but it looks like an unpeeled banana during the day, yellow color, very small. and at night it extends a tentacle to filter feed. my lfs said it shouldn't be anything to worry about, it doesn't look like a hydroid, but ive been keepin an eye on it, hasnt got any bigger, and hasnt harmed anything yet. make matters worst, i found my first case of aptasia growing on my LR, which didn't help. its very small so would purchasing a peppermint shrimp be better than joe's juice or another aptasia solution? opinions?


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