Tank Emergency


Mostly New Member
Nov 4, 2014
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Just wondering if there is any way of repairing a 8x2x2 fish tank?
We bought this aquarium today and it was in perfect condition when we got it, however it was extremely hot today (36 degrees Celsius) and unfortunately we were forced to leave the tank sitting on the ute tray for abt 2-3 hours whilst clearing a space and organising some help to bring the tank into the house.
We were able to bring the tank inside without any hiccups and went out for a celebratory meal.
We then got home to clean the tank and discovered a crack in the base of the tank (I'm assuming it must've been caused by the heat and then being brought inside out of the sun maybe?)
Now my question is if there is anyway if fixing it without replacing the bottom panel or is this the only option?
The glass on the bottom panel is 9mm and has a supporting strip running along the 8 foot length that is also 9mm. The crack is under the supporting strip, the crack is about 9cm long.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
A crack - especially in the bottom - will just crack again and again. If you consider the weight of the subtrate and then the weight of the water sat on weakened glass ... it's the worse place for any weakness.
The only way is to replace the entire bottom pane of glass. Really sorry ... I'm guessing that's not what you were wanting to hear
Thats what I've been reading in generals googles. So next question would be does anyone know and good not too outrageously expensive glass repairers in melbourne victoria?
I can't help you there, I live in the U.K. Sorry. There are a few member's on here from Australia though so you might get a reply from one of them if you hang around :)
I believe Alasse is in Australia and knows a good aquarium builder.  Not sure what part of Australia in which she lives.
If you are putting your tank on a solid base, then there should be no/very little stress on the bottom glass. I think sealing it would work.
Munroco said:
If you are putting your tank on a solid base, then there should be no/very little stress on the bottom glass. I think sealing it would work.
That depends on whether is has a floating bottom or not. Some tanks have a floating bottom and so the base of the tank doesn't sit flat on the base
What Akasha said.  
Its currently sitting on a cabinet (with 5 support beams going across and one at each end), theres also a layer of styrofoam between the actual bottom of the tank and the cabinet
I have seen that some people have just suggested to to put a layer of glass/perspex on the crack, but the crack in my tank already has a supporting beanbeam of glass accross it.
On another forum a person mentioned possibly placinga sheet of perspex along the inside (whole bottom) and sealing that with silicone, but i think if you're going to do that you may aswell just replace the bottom :(
Yeah, its unfortunate... but that's basically the only way to be 100% sure it will hold up.  Water is incredibly heavy, and it will find ANY little spot it can to escape.  Its stinks, but that's the truth.
I'd call the store and/or the manufacturer and explain it to them, they might be able to help you.
Unfortunately we bought it used from someone else.
but we will be contacting stores and what not to get quotes to have it replaced. Just means my water babies will have to stay in their 4foot a little longer.
as Eagles has said - don't risk it. Do you want to wake up to an empty tank and a flooded home? okay, that's the worse case scenario but it could happen. Replace the whole sheet of glass and then fill it up outside the home to make sure it's water tight. Second hand tanks come with no guarentee and if a pane of glass needs to be replaced I'd want to check there were no gaps in the silacone before bringing it into the home :)  
Good luck with it :)
No offense, but pretty sure my last post indicated i was going to get it replaced.
thanks though.
none taken but I was only trying to help. I'll remember not to add any further assistance

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