Tank Divider


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2009
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Newbury Berkshire
I want to build a new tank nothing to big but long enough to hold some bettas, at some point I am going to need to put dividers in and I dont want them permanent, so I thought I might try this idea.

Place some glass pieces with silicone on the bottom of the tank where needed to hold the bottom of the glass divider between them, then use a plastic or other suitable material clamp at the tops to hold the tops up. Of course I could use egg crate if wanted instead.

My dodgy drawing!. Apart from the glass in base none of it is permanent and can be removed if chosen to give a single tank. What do you think ?
I can't really understand your diagram although the glass should be upto the top of the tank
Bettas will try and wriggle through the smallest of gaps to attack there divided tankmates and jump over the top. The divide should also be semi opaque so a piece of acrylic which is smoked or you can get clear acrylic and go at it with some sandpaper some people also use cross-stitching mats which you can get from arts and crafts stores. You can easily attach with silicone then remove with a razerblade when needed or make it to 1mm larger then the gap and the surface tension will hold it in place with ornaments to act as support.
Glass wouldnt really do, i tried plexiglass and the fish were constantly stressed at seeing eachother.
The idea itself sounds fine, providing the water flows through all compartments and the bettas can not get through.
They will push and wiggle the sides so i would silicone them in, and they also will jump so a lid is needed unless you make the dividers high
Plen plax Have been making tank dividers for years
but I kinda like the simplicity and the neatness of the new Aqua Medic fish tank divider clips (4 in box) into which you can slot a piece of glass or perspex

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