Tank Divider For Two Males?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2006
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If I get a 5 gal tank (or whatever the largest size that will fit in my only spot is), is it okay to place in a divider and put in two Male Bettas, or should this only be done for Spawning? (Don't know if they would go on the defense if they could see the other one).
My allowed space for a tank is 18" Wide, 11" deep, and 15" high.
Would this depend on the tank width/depth and if they can see through the divider?
A lot of people use plastic canvas from craft stores... it's cheap, and the Bettas can just barely see through it. BE SURE the divider is very secure with no gaps at all, and both fish are 100% healthy, and you should be ok. ;)

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