Tank decorating.


May 19, 2004
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How do people go about decorating their tanks? Like, how do they decide what to use?
You can draw out the shape of the tank and decide where you want to put the decorations.

This is best done before filling up the tank.

So anyways, you draw out a plan. You put tall plants in the back to hide equipment and to keep them from blocking the front of the tank. Short and medium plants scattered and/or in front.

Most of the time you would keep a large open area in the middle of the tank for the fish to swim in. Exceptions are certain cichlids, cats, and breeding tanks.

You can also create different levels to the tank my adding slabs of rock in the back and adding a layer of sand or gravel over it.

Also, you can go for gaudy decorations that IMO should never be in a tank, or you can make it all-natural with just plants, wood, and rocks.

You can get better tips from other members, and your library shuold have books on decorating tanks.
for my tank, i have rocks that i picked up from the beach (very very thorougly washed and disinfected mind you), and some flower points (varying in size) that acts as caves. I got a piece of food and some plants that are just scattered everywhere.

i'm not a great aquascape artist lol :p actual fish tank decorations are way too expesnive IMO
I visit the aquarium pics forum and steal ideas from there that I like :p :kana:

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