II overloaded my tank by mistake with too much ammonia. I put in 100ml in a 50 gallon tank, I noticed something was not right immediatley and did an immediate water change. After wating a couple of days, I noticed my Ammonia, Nitrite levels are 0 and nitrate is very very high, off the chart > 40mg/l.
Waited 1 week for tank to stabilise after full water change.
Plants started dying (Yellow leaves, brown spots)
Addes Iron tablets
Add liquid fertiliser
added a c02 injector
added a 4500k and 18,500k 30W fluorecents.
At the moment my ammonia is 0.
Now, tonight I have added 10ml ammonia (25% concentration) and will monitor the no2 and no3 levels (not sure if i must do it everyday).
Also, i was worried that allot of ammonia can kill the bacteria. Im not sure if my tank is cycled, i do not think so (2 weeks since setup). I noticed that my tap water is very high in nitrates! I was wondering of a way to reduce these nitrates?
Also, Im having a hard time keeping the 20 plants in my tank alive, so I bought a co2 injector and automatic ph regulator, to keep the ph at 6.8. I did notice that the kh in my water is around 9. Im starting to also get brown algae(which seems to be killing my plants!!). I think I have adequate lighting as I have an aque-glow and sun-glow fluerocent in the tank ( 30w each, but 4500K and 16500K).
I also have a fluval 303 canister filter and an internal canister filter.
In all I really want my plants to get better and try reduce nitrates, and also hoping that the initial high levels of ammonia did not kill the good bacteria..
Fish Tank 240Ltr
Date 30 Agust 2004
PH 6.95
GH 23dGH
KH 9dkh
NH4/NH3 0mg/l
NO2 0mg/l
NO3 50mg+
PO4 0.1mg
FE 0.25mg
CU 0
C02 44ppm
Any thoughts??
II overloaded my tank by mistake with too much ammonia. I put in 100ml in a 50 gallon tank, I noticed something was not right immediatley and did an immediate water change. After wating a couple of days, I noticed my Ammonia, Nitrite levels are 0 and nitrate is very very high, off the chart > 40mg/l.
Waited 1 week for tank to stabilise after full water change.
Plants started dying (Yellow leaves, brown spots)
Addes Iron tablets
Add liquid fertiliser
added a c02 injector
added a 4500k and 18,500k 30W fluorecents.
At the moment my ammonia is 0.
Now, tonight I have added 10ml ammonia (25% concentration) and will monitor the no2 and no3 levels (not sure if i must do it everyday).
Also, i was worried that allot of ammonia can kill the bacteria. Im not sure if my tank is cycled, i do not think so (2 weeks since setup). I noticed that my tap water is very high in nitrates! I was wondering of a way to reduce these nitrates?
Also, Im having a hard time keeping the 20 plants in my tank alive, so I bought a co2 injector and automatic ph regulator, to keep the ph at 6.8. I did notice that the kh in my water is around 9. Im starting to also get brown algae(which seems to be killing my plants!!). I think I have adequate lighting as I have an aque-glow and sun-glow fluerocent in the tank ( 30w each, but 4500K and 16500K).
I also have a fluval 303 canister filter and an internal canister filter.
In all I really want my plants to get better and try reduce nitrates, and also hoping that the initial high levels of ammonia did not kill the good bacteria..
Fish Tank 240Ltr
Date 30 Agust 2004
PH 6.95
GH 23dGH
KH 9dkh
NH4/NH3 0mg/l
NO2 0mg/l
NO3 50mg+
PO4 0.1mg
FE 0.25mg
CU 0
C02 44ppm
Any thoughts??