I had a ten gallon tank that was cycled I went and bought up my fish because i got a 20 gallon long tank I didnt have any ideal as to what I was doing I move all my fish over to the 20 gallon and then I washed my ten gallon gravels and all now all I have is 2 tanks not cycled and all of my fish are getting sick can someone tell what to do
And treat with this product called BClear or PClear and thats what they are made to do and also to start off the nitrogen cycle I heard you can put in flakes and just let them dissolve, if your fishes don't eat them...
Good Luck
All you can do is keep doing small water changes of about 10% every day and adding cycle or bacterlife,it will prolong the cycling period but should keep your fish alive,also only feed your fish a very small ammount of food every other day.