Tank Cleaning/rearranging?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2007
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What do you lot think about moving stuff around, like wood/rocks/plants while the tank is full of fish and working well?

My plants etc need good tidy up and normally just get on with it, i was just seeing what other people do or think about it?
just done that today. moved a load of ocean rock about and planted out my 400 litre. had to be very careful and keep a close eye on fish. some of them went mad so just be careful they dont hurt them selves. every one seems okay tho. IMO its easier and better for the fish to do it with them in the tank rather than netting them out.
hia col
i am forever changing the tanks around in my house, my fish dont seem to mind, infact i think my guppies quite enjoy it!!
i would say just be slow and keep your eye out should you have any really small fish ie neons, i have in the past buried one or two,but thankfully they have come to no harm
i am a bit more of a chicken when it comes to my large tank tho, it has a siamese and 5 silver sharks, i know they wouldnt eat me :hyper: its just that im a scaredy cat lol.
but do remember as i was reminded its their home not yours, you are just priviliged to be able to look at it and care for it ;)
With some fish it can be a good thing to carefully rearrange the stuff in your tank. This is because they can become fiercely territorial so by rearranging the 'lay of the land' it takes them quite a while to re establish their patch

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